Well, seeing as I haven't posted a life on mars vid lately, here's another of the few good ones i've manages to find for the show. It's a little more on the serious side than i normally post, but it's nicely done. life on mars: rebellion
I'm not generally a fan of shipping vids (with the exception of AU's or crack), however the idea of Jack and Sam as Mr. and Mrs. Smith is simply pitch perfect.... Assassin's Tango
I may not have mentioned it before, but Jack O'Neill is truly one of my favorite characters, (especially in the earlier seasons of SG1.) Here's a sample of why he'll always be a joy to watch... Col. Jack O'Neills' 7 rules of gate travel
now here, boys and girls, is what i like to describe as an 'epic' video... it's very compelling, it makes you want to watch to see what's going to come up next, and the song is absolutely pitch perfect... SGA: The Mass